Thursday, February 13, 2014

Miss Me

"Will you miss me if I don't come to school tomorrow?"

Of all the things I did today, I am certain my answer to your question was the most important.  We all need to know that someone misses us; that someone cares for us.  In your young life, you ought to know that intrinsically.  Your parents and family should show you that love so strongly that you never question it.

I am sure your father does care for you that deeply, but your home is broken, and in your grief it is hard to see.  You are lost and you feel alone; alone at home in the midst of people who aren't yet family, alone at school where your still developing social skills and rough ways sometimes keep the other students away and get you in trouble too often, alone in a giant world that you are only barely beginning to comprehend.

I've felt that loneliness, and my heart aches for you.  I want to open your eyes to see what a precious creation you are.  I want to make the people who are part of your life open their eyes to see that maybe you need a little more attention.  But since I cannot, I want to answer your question correctly and well.

The answer is yes.  I will miss you.  You are special, you are important, you are worth missing.  You are loved.  If we all heard that a little more often, perhaps we'd find the world a less lonely place to be.